
June 2014 at 27 years old (been going grey since I was 16) I finally became a Shodan - a Blackbelt

June 2014 at 27 years old (been going grey since I was 16) I finally became a Shodan – a Blackbelt

Finally time that I update this, when I first started this blog I had a huge passion for karate and for writing, I was a 2nd kyu brown belt in Okinawan Goju Ryu karate, I wanted to be a writer since I was 18 (I’m now 27), I had a dream and I started writing down lots of my ideas down, at university I discovered that I could write poetry and used it as an outlet. This blog along with its sister blog have allowed me to write more, and to develop my core skills. Two years later I have finally Achieved my blackbelt, and have been getting compliments from followers of my blog saying that I have talent (when it comes to poetry). The journey hasn’t ended, it has only turned a new chapter. I want to develop more as a karateka and as a writer, I am planning out story ideas and the epic backstory that links them all together but I need to have confidence in myself and start writing them on my blog again, the only way I can become an author is if I try (not try but do) to write books. The first few may be crap, but it is like karate you start out with nothing and you slowly build up the skill set, the experience and the spirit.

Thank you to those that have followed my blogs, I truly appreciate it.

Peace be with you.

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